The Leslie Sell Charitable Trust was set up in May 1969 by the late Leslie Sell to provide financial assistance to the Scouting and Guiding movement.
This independent Trust Fund makes small grants to Groups to help with the cost of making repairs, purchasing sundry items of equipment, or trips in the UK or overseas.
Unfortunately the Trustees are unable to consider applications for trips submitted within four months of your proposed departure or event date due to processing times.

Paying Grants
If your application is successful, please note the following:
The Trust will only make payments to the Group you are attached to, or representing and NOT to individuals. Please ensure the Group name you supply is the same as the account name recognised by the Bank.
The Trust is starting to make payments by BACS transfer and where possible will endeavour to do so. Otherwise, payment will be made by cheque.
The application form asks for the Group’s bank details to be supplied on the Group’s official headed notepaper and signed by 2 of following: Group Treasurer, Group Chair, Group Leader.

Grant applications are received from Groups belonging to the Scout or Guide movement by way of a covering letter, together with our Application Form completed by the Group leader. Please ensure that you use the most up to date application form from our official website.
We like to receive details of the project which requires funding, for example small–scale building works, repairs, or alterations, replacement of camping or other equipment, replacement of minibuses, together with details of the costs involved, and sight of any quotation you may have.
For group trips, we need details of the destination, the number and names, First and Surname, of the young people and leaders taking part and any planned activities, together with the costs involved and dates of travel.
We will be accepting applications towards Census payments throughout the months of October & November only.
Where there are a number of individuals from any one group going on the same trip, we ask that the Group Leader submit a Group Application Form on behalf of the participants.
We also like to hear about the activities being undertaken to raise funds, together with a note of the amount of money already raised.
Applications are usually treated sympathetically provided they are connected to the Scout or Guide movement. Unfortunately the Trustees are unable to consider applications for trips submitted within four months of your departure or event date due to processing times.
Please note we no longer accept individual applications, unless only one person from a group is attending the trip.
If you have trouble downloading the application form please try an alternative browser.
All grants are restricted, and the Trust does not issue grants towards pre-trip meet ups, planning & preparation weekends, reunion weekends, insurance costs, bank fees, or hut rental and utility bills.
Please only send applications in once, do not send duplicates.
Failure to give exact bank details and submit participant names for group trips will result in your application being delayed or refused.
Grants to be used for Scout & Guide Groups based in the UK only.
Grants not to be used for building or community projects outside of the UK.
Peter Sell Award
The Trust set up a new award in 2011 in memory of one of the trustees, Peter Sell. You can find out more on the Peter Sell Award page.